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Rajasthan Exporters' Directory

Rajasthan Exporters' Directory

since its inception in 1993, has been transforming in all aspects- be its contents, look & feel, volume or quality. As an editorial team, we have been successfully striving towards achieving the superlative degrees of all the aforesaid aspects. Like living things, all these non-living attributes and aspects have their own life. So to infuse life and enhance the attraction of this compendium in all senses, we have done various add-modify-deletes in this edition, after incorporating the suggestions and feedback received from the readers, users, referees and critics of this useful book.

Readers, users and advertisers of all our publications- Rajasthan Exporters' Directory, Rajasthan Industries' Directory, and Rajasthan Business Directory have been appreciating our efforts and have saluted our editorial team for the originality in their efforts and the absence of Cut-Copy-Paste attitude by repeating their respective responses. They say 'Imitation is the best form of flattery'. Flattered and boosted with confidence, we can boast that our publications have been me-too'ed and copied by various associations and publishers, including the bigger ones. When it comes to media, be it print or electronic, you need great passion to make your output acceptable and appreciable. Our passionate editorial team have burnt their midnight oil and raced against the clock by devoting thousands of man hours towards collecting, compiling, cross-checking, rectifying and organizing data and contents.

Rajasthan Exporters' Directory serves as the complete reference and information source featuring entire spectrum of exportable products and related services from the largest Indian state of Rajasthan. Since its inception in 1993 with the first edition, it has been very well serving as an effective promotional vehicle in the international arena for the exporters of the state.

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Rajasthan - The Princely State of India

Rajasthan - The Princely State of India introduces the state of Rajasthan by starting with "The Export & Industry Map of Rajasthan" giving a .... Read More

Information and Relevant Pages

Information and Relevant Pages as the name suggests, provides useful information and relevant inputs for everyone who has to do with to the world of .... Read More

Exporters of Rajasthan

Exporters of Rajasthan is the main section & epicentre round which the whole directory revolves and the basic purpose of this project .... Read More

Solution & Service Providers to the Exporters

This is a section prepared to cover the segments without the services of which the smooth .... Read More

Section-1 (Rajasthan - The Princely State of India)

Rajasthan - The Princely State of India introduces the state of Rajasthan by starting with "The Export & Industry Map of Rajasthan" giving a graphical and geographical glance of Rajasthan which highlights the major clusters of Exporters, followed by a tabular glance in "Rajasthan At A Glance". All about Rajasthan, in its true sense, talks almost everything about Rajasthan and is an extremely exhaustive chapter in this edition. Besides the regular coverage on the important attributes like Industrial Scenario, Economy, Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Forestry, Mineral Wealth, Social Infrastructure and other Social Attributes, this chapter has covered pages of information which very well highlight the investment potential in Rajasthan. After going through " Export Scenario of Rajasthan", you will get a very clear picture of the overall status of exports from the state. A very informative chapter namely "Prominent Exporters of Rajasthan" provides easy-to- refer corporate profiles of some leading and upcoming exporters in the state.

Section-2 (Information and Relevant Pages)

Information and Relevant Pages as the name suggests, provides useful information and relevant inputs for everyone who has to do with to the world of international trade in one way or the other. Without touching the important and relevant existing ones, inputs as varied as Foreign Missions in India, Indian Missions Abroad, Important Trade Fairs, Trade Information Centers, Chambers of Commerce, Useful Internet Sites, Export Promotion Agencies in India, Sources of Information on International Trade, Important Addresses for International Trade in India, List of ECGC Offices in India, List of Certification Agencies, Checklist for Export Documentation, Special Economic Zones in India. and many more (Please refer Contents) are being compiled & housed to assist exporters, both existing and budding, in their day-to-day functioning of International Trade. We have shown our true editorial skills by editing and deleting various chapters which we found to be irrelevant in the current scenario. The chapter - Different Nations at a Glance is an informative chapter in tabular form loaded with information like Import Partners, Importer of Commodities, Fiscal Year & Currency Code besides Languages, Capital, Area, Currency of the respective nations in two spread (four) pages.

Section-3 (Exporters of Rajasthan)

Exporters of Rajasthan is the main section & epicentre round which the whole directory revolves and the basic purpose of this project. With its objective to provide latest information about the exporters and the exports from the state, it covers around 5000 exporters from 16 broad products and services segments. Details such as address, telephone number, fax number, email, contact person, website, items exported and direction of exports of the exporters has been provided. To make it more reference friendly, this time we have further segregated the broad segments into sub-segments especially in the case of Engineering Goods.

Section-4 (Solution & Service Providers to the Industry)

This is a section prepared to cover the segments without the services of which the smooth functioning of the international trade is not easily possible. This section is no more a small typical last section of a directory this time, as it houses 204 Solution & Service Provider Segments. Segments like Clearing & Forwarding Agents, Shipping Agents, Web Designing, Software Developers, Forex Dealers, Foreign Trade Consultants, Inland Container Depots, Man Power Consultants, Office Automation are finding many more new and useful segments like Security Systems, Environment Consultants, Financial Services Providers, Janitor Services, Pest Control Services, Tours & Travels to name a few with them in this section for the sole purpose of making it a handy guide for the exporters at the time of their buying decisions and finalising their solution providers. Last but not the least, please refer - How to use this Directory, Contents, Segment Index-Exporters, Segment Index -Solution & Service Providers to the Exporters, Advertisers' Index and our exhaustive new feature of Exporters Index-Alphabet wise and finally this editorial page without jumping the above paragraphs for ease in referring the Directory Hope this invaluable directory, like our sister publications - Rajasthan Industries' Directory and Rajasthan Business Directory continues to serve all its purposes well and benefits everyone at large.

Rajasthan Exporters' Directory

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Published By :

Rajasthan Chamber of Commerce & Industry Jaipur , Rajasthan , INDIA

Compiled, Edited, Marketed & Distributed By :

Sunflower Infomediary Jaipur , Rajasthan , INDIA

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This map will provide you a great opportunity to enter and penetrate into the Tourists & Travellers' Market and the map is widely circulated amongst the major places.

This map will provide you a great opportunity to enter and penetrate into the Tourists & Travellers' Market and the map is widely circulated amongst the major places.

A Complete reference & information source featuring the entire spectrum of Exporters products & related service from Rajasthan,INDIA.

A Complete reference & information source featuring the entire spectrum of Exporters products & related service from Rajasthan,INDIA.

A Complete reference & information source featuring the entire spectrum of Industries products & related service from Rajasthan,INDIA.

A Complete reference & information source featuring the entire spectrum of Industries products & related service from Rajasthan,INDIA.

A Complete  & information source featuring the entire spectrum of Business products & related service from Rajasthan,INDIA.

A Complete & information source featuring the entire spectrum of Business products & related service from Rajasthan,INDIA.