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Samarthak Samiti Banner

Business Information

Samarthak Samiti is situated at Inside Mangal Shree Garden, 282, Near Chungi Naka, Old Fatehpura, Udaipur 313001
You can contact Samarthak Samiti on Show Number
Samarthak Samiti provides the following products/services: Forest Product Base Livelihood
Samarthak Samiti is most searched in NGO,Charitable Trusts

About Company

Vision strengthening livelihood of tribal communities and other marginalized sections of society in Rajasthan through natural resource management. Mission: strengthening community based organizations by facilitating appropriate interventions in collection, processing and marketing of forest produces in Rajasthan. The Samarthak Samiti works with tribal communities and other forest dependent people in southern Rajasthan. Samarthak Samiti is a federation of the minor forest produces collector’s and processors group and cooperative societies. At present Samiti have six tribal cooperatives and 35 mfps groups. The Samarthak Samiti aims to work with forest produce collector`s and processors groups and societies by facilitating financial, marketing and legal assistance and support. Lobbying with them for changes in existing policies, rules, laws and introduction of new ones. Conducting awareness generation programmes in the form of trainings, workshops and study tours. Undertaking survey, research and documentation work of issues relating to different forest produce. Facilitating and promoting inter and intra-ne formation of new groups and societies. To working and linkages among groups, societies and organization. Assisting in improvement of organizational and economic capabilities of the existing groups and societies

Products and Services

Forest Product Base Livelihood

Also listed in

  • NGO
  • Charitable Trusts

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