Business Information
B Citrine is situated at 172, Nemi Sagar, Vaishali Marg, Vaishali Nagar, Jaipur 302021
You can contact B Citrine on Show Number
B Citrine provides the following products/services: Restaurant, Cafe, Lounge, Banquet Hall, Corporate Event, Fine Dine
B Citrine is most searched in Restaurants,Coffee Shops,Banquet Halls,Multi Cuisine Restaurants,Corporate Event Management
About Company
In the year of 2006, Dr Jitendra Singh started his first venture with a team of young and dedicated employees. He had a vast experience and knowledge of Telecommunication & SCM. NEO AID provided one stop solution to telecom & SCM sector and successfully emerged as the most reliable and cost-effective solution provider that would be ideal to the customer`s interest, specification and budget. NEO AID provided the solutions for Warehouse Management, Inventory Management, Installation and Commissioning, Maintenance of Equipments, Towers, BTS, DG sets and O&M without breakdown and difficulty. NEO AID has proved itself as the fastest growing Supply Chain Management and Telecom organization in the market of Telecommunications and SCM.
Products and Services
Also listed in
- Coffee Shops
- Restaurants
- Banquet Halls
- Multi Cuisine Restaurants
- Corporate Event Management