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Pushp Sansthan Banner

Business Information

Pushp Sansthan is situated at 2, Sen Colony, Prem Nagar, Jhotwara, Jaipur
You can contact Pushp Sansthan on Show Number
Pushp Sansthan provides the following products/services: Environment, Education, Health Etc
Pushp Sansthan is most searched in NGO,Charitable Trusts

About Company

To create a sense of brotherhood, co-operation, mutual harmony, love and affection amongest the members of the organization and also amongest the general public. To do every type of work required for the environment conservation ( protection of the environment). Organizing awareness programmes to join the public for protection management of environment by plantation campaign in rural as well as urban areas. To organise the water harvesting, water and soil conservation programmes and working as a consulting agency for accelerating the programmes. To organise mass campaign for stopping the use of products, chemicals etc. which harm the environment. Specially work for the protection of ozone layer and maintaining to organize awareness programme to save ozone layer. work for maintain the ecological balance. To organise awareness and training programmes to safeguard from HIV/AIDS, TB, CANCER etc. and provide healthy and cleanliness services. To work towards saving all traditional/folk arts (puppetry art etc.) of India. Organizing the programmes through the medium of puppetry art/folk arts in the fields of educational training programmes, teaching, health, environment conservation, women and child welfare and public awareness programmes. Execution of women and child welfare (women and child rights) programmes. Women empowerment will be a focus point by the awareness programmes for protection of their rights, legal and social help and opinion. Identifying the illiterates, motivate and support for education. Providing education tools/study material, dress and other motivational items for education of the poor people. To start, establish, run, take over or manage and maintain schools, with an object to provide sound pre-primary, primary, middle, secondary, senior secondary and higher education to children by seeking recognition. To promote literacy, cultural, and other social activities by awareness programmes, adult education classes, lectures, essay completions, exhibition, symposiums, cultural programmes, press conferences and seminars. Make efforts for removing the illiteracy by educating the illiterate villagers, children of schedule cast-schedule trible, children unable to go school, illiterates living in the slums. To organise awareness programmes for all types of the facilities for the public/civilians provided by the government, and motivate the government for such types of works. Execution of such types of works. To organise seminar on social justice, educational and economical upliftment to raise legal demands and fundamental rights provided by ‘Constitution of India’. To organise general awareness for all the alternate sources of energy. Motivate the public for energy conservation and to save electricity by using CFL lights etc. To organise awareness programmes for motivation of financial planning’s, savings with better available options for future planning and upliftment of life style including promotion of tools like pan card etc. in the rural as well as the urban areas. To support and work for the Government, Non Government, Foreign help for welfare schemes to reach to the target group. Coordination between local, regional, national and international organizations/institutions with the same theme and vision for implementation and execution of the schemes. To work for information technology in rural as well as urban areas. To work for social and scientific studies, research and development projects independently or in collaboration of other organizations. To take up effective, reasonable and lawful steps for the eradication of social evils such as dowary system, wastage of money in various functions, use of intoxicated drugs, child marriage (bal vivah) and child labour, untouchability, etc. To take up effective, reasonable and lawful steps for the solution of problems relating to members of the organization or relating to General Public. To approach the competent court/courts to safeguard the right of the general public and for the public interest from time to time as the organization may deem fit and proper. To support all the rights of society. Organising programmes and work for Consumer protection, awareness, vigilance programmes and weeks. Awareness about the duplicate products, low quality products etc. in the rural as well as the urban areas. To circulate all the information related to welfare of society through various media such as website, blog, newspapers, tv, radio and all other communication mediums of same nature and to publish such material that contains information of social development, books, booklets, appeals to society, informative literature and other matter of people’s welfare. To take preventive measures for natural and man made calamities and to help the victims in case of mishapinings. Specially work for disaster management. To prepare and implement work plan for poverty eradication and upliftment of lifestyle. To enrage khaadi and other cottage industries and to organise training programmes for production and circulation to increase the self employment. To arrange and manage the training institutions in typing, short hand, computer, fine arts, crafts, music, painting, modeling, dancing, yoga, physical education and in other professional training subjects. To work for advancement of organic farming, advance agriculture, land reforms, water conservation, animal husbandry and organising training programmes and providing study material and techniques to farmers. To open, found, establish, promote, set up, run, maintain, assist, finance, support and/or help the various communicate development programmes/activities and also construct and develop the community halls, sochalay, charitable dispensaries, libraries and other buildings/ institutions for use and welfare of the general public. To accept donations, raise subscriptions from the member of the organization of other persons, to invest the funds of the organization with such individuals, societies, firms or companies, for providing income to the organization, on such terms and conditions as may deem proper and necessary for the fulfilment of the aims and objects of the organization and to further is interest as enumerated above

Products and Services

Environment, Education, Health Etc

Also listed in

  • NGO
  • Charitable Trusts

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