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Business Information

MPCKSS is situated at Aravali Vihar, Kala Kuan, Jaipur Road, Alwar 301001
You can contact MPCKSS on Show Number
MPCKSS provides the following products/services: Nature Resource Conservation, Child Education
MPCKSS is most searched in NGO,Charitable Trusts

About Company

MPCKSS is a non-profit making non-government organization. The samiti is devoted to promote & accelerate the economic environment & economic status and agriculture-based programme of the rural community and urban poor through action oriented programmes. Over the year samiti has made quality changes in the lives of poor through its activities in various villages in Alwar district of Rajasthan state. It has been facilitating people`s organization so the more women and men contribute equally to their development and become more self-sufficient. We at MPCKSS mainly work with school children of 10th and 12th level for environmental education and wild life or preservation of natural resources. Because they are mainly having the direct approach in the family and they are the tomorrow’s leaders. For this samiti have a vast team of volunteers mainly school teachers, educationist and students. To bring the confidence in rural poor especially in women for their self-development. The ngo is concerned with poor community and deteriorating environmental conditions. We at mpckss have faith in the community, their traditional knowledge and expertise. So we apply community organization approach to ensure peoples participation in development activities. We work with community at all level of planning implementation, monitoring and management of the programme. We develop and promote informal and formal village level organization by organizing gram vikas samiti, mahila mandal, youth group and self help groups/common interest groups. We believe that such organization of the people is better suited for collective management of community programmes. Along with this the samiti has also work for the integrated development or rural areas and enlistment of schedule caste, schedule tribe and other backward communities

Products and Services

Nature Resource Conservation, Child Education

Also listed in

  • NGO
  • Charitable Trusts

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