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Business Information

Aries Green is situated at Alwar Bypass Road, Khuskhera, Bhiwadi, Alwar 301019
You can contact Aries Green on Show Number
Aries Green provides the following products/services: Builder & Developer, Construction Consultant, Property Dealer, Builder Hardware
Aries Green is most searched in Property Dealers,Real Estate Agents,Builders & Developers,Construction Contractors,Property Consultants

About Company

Aries Green is a reliable real estate company that is known for offering excellent services. We are a multi-faceted company located in Faridabad, Haryana providing real estate solutions all over Faridabad city. We assist clients in property investment and selling properties, and also offer other services in building and development, and interior designing. We have earned the respect and praise of our clients owing to the dedication with which we focus on value creation for clients. Aries Green was incorporated in 2007 and the company is being headed by Director of the company, Mr. Rajiv Gupta and Mr. Ajay Garg. We have intimate knowledge about the Faridabad realty market and the best practices followed in the industry. We have gained this knowledge not only by serving the clients, but also through our association with professionals who have been working in the industry from more than twenty years. We benefit from our associations with various vendors, suppliers and other realty professionals and always manage to provide efficient and cost-effective services to the clients.

Year of Establishment:

Products and Services

Builder & Developer, Construction Consultant, Property Dealer, Builder Hardware

Also listed in

  • Builders & Developers
  • Property Dealers
  • Real Estate Agents
  • Construction Contractors
  • Property Consultants

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