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Bishnoi Village Camp & Resort Banner

Business Information

Bishnoi Village Camp & Resort is situated at Guda Bishnoiyan, Jodhpur GPO, Jodhpur 342001
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About Company

Bishnoi religion was founded by great visionary Saint Guru Jambheshwar Ji in year 1485AD(Vikram Samwat 1542, Kartik month, Krishna 8th) on SAMRATHAL DHORA ( Sand Dune ) near Nokha in Bikaner District of Rajasthan (India). Bishnoi is not only a caste it is simple art of living. A person who follow 29 rules laid by Guru Jambheshvar Ji is a Bishnoi (unteesh dharma ki aankadi, hridhya dhare joye, bishnoi naam soy). All the 29 rules have no complicated rituals. It is simple and scientific way of living. Most of rules are either to protect environment or for personal hygiene. A true bishnoi person and village can be easily recognized because of following 29 rules which show in form of healthy physical appearance, surrounding green environment, fresh atmosphere and freely roaming wild animals near their houses. The forthcoming disaster of global warming was perceived by the saint Guru Jambheshwar Ji more than 500 years back and suggested most viable and sustainable solution for the same through the teaching of 29 principles. Bishnoi people have their self sustained economy by farming and animal husbandry. Most of normal life essentials are their own produced like food grains, milk, butter, cooking oil, masalas, cotton, wool

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